Saturday, 2 June 2007

Take The YBATV Finger Poll

Yet another report has appeared in the scientific literature (summarised here) of a sex difference which may be linked to hormonal 'surges' in the womb during the development of the foetus. The 'marker' often looked for in these studies is the ratio of the length of the index finger to that of the ring finger. In males, the ring finger tends to be longer than the index finger. In females the two fingers are more likely to be of equal length. Finger length ratio not only correlates with a person's sex but unusual ratios (e.g. men with equal-length fingers) also correlate with unusual sex-related attributes such as homosexuality, depression, and verbal ability.

It is believed that during development, the changing hormonal environment in the womb influences many aspects of a child's growth, not just their overt sexual appearance but more subtle things such as their finger length ratios and the way their brains are wired. In brain development in particular, timing is very important and an ill-timed change in hormonal mix is thought to lead to gender-inappropriate brain development. This has always seemed to me to be the most likely cause of transvestitism and transsexuality.

So, to put this to the test, I'd like each of you genetic males, who are transvestites or transsexuals, to measure your fingers and enter the results in my finger length poll on the right of this page (you may need to scroll down a bit). Measure as accurately as you can because the differences in length we are looking for are very small. Measure from the palm side of the finger, from the crease where the finger meets the palm up to the very tip of the finger.

You may only enter your result once so tell all your T*girl friends to have a go so we can get as much data as possible.

I'll leave the poll running for a few months and then see what we have.

My own index and ring fingers are exactly the same length, by the way.
